.....and so it begins.....
Welcome to the beginning of something awesome and exciting!
I've been wanting to start a blog for a while now, but I've never made the time. Being a crazy busy single mom who works full time, loves a sweaty workout, spends hours in the kitchen cooking up a storm, and tries to have a social life, the thought of lying in bed typing on the computer for hours about all those things I do sounded wonderful, but always got pushed to the back burner.
But, a few life changing events happened all within a short period of time, and I decided that I am going to carve out the time to start sharing with the world the craziness of my life. I live a wonderful life and I feel very blessed. But that's not to say it is a struggle sometimes, as all of our lives are. The goal for me is to live a life filled with purpose, meaning, and love. I am the type of person who does not sugar coat things or beat around the bush. I am blunt and sometimes crass. This blog is not going to be for everyone, so please if you are offended at any of my posts, I apologize in advance, but please know it is not my intent to start a webbrawl. I am starting this to share what I eat, my workout routines, my personal style, and express my opinions, feelings, and share with everyone the awesomeness that is me.
The main kickstart to this blogging thing is the fact that I was accepted as a Race Ambassador for the 2015 SLO marathon, half marathon, and 5K. http://www.slomarathon.com/
I am super excited for this amazing opportunity, and also scared shitless. I'm a triathlete, not a marathon runner. I love running, don't get me wrong, but it's so boring sometimes. Every time I go on a run I thank the Lord that the ipod was invented. Seriously.
I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures!
For my first post, in celebration of the long run and the journey I have ahead of me, I have compiled a list of my top 5 favorite things to do on a long run to keep you busy, so you don't get bored out there on the road (or on the treadmill).
1. Music.
I know you are like, duh, everyone does this. It's a workout staple. But don't just listen. Listen intently if you don't know the words. Learn them. Sing along if you do know the words. As loud as you want. As quiet as you want. Sometimes I mouth the words, sometimes I'm running up a hill and they come out as a faint whisper because I'm gasping for my next breath, sometimes I'm screaming lyrics while I fist pump. That one usually gets some awesome looks from people!
2. Check out the scenery!
The joy of a long run is that you can go places you can't get to by car or bike. These are places that you can only get to on foot, like a trail or alleyways or public gardens or even a cemetery. Morbid, I know, but if you are going to be running for hours on end, you might as well check out some cool old headstones.
3. Eat.
I know, you are thinking, "she's effing crazy". I'm not saying down a cheeseburger while you are running. I'm talking about sucking on some gu blocks or small pieces of powerbar and letting your mind focus on what's in your mouth rather than your legs burning beneath you.
4. Make plans. Think about stuff.
Take time during your run to think about what you want to do, whether it be life in general, work, school, relationships, or whatever. Sometimes I meal plan for the next week while I'm on a run. Sometimes I think about what's in my closet and put together new outfits . When I'm faced with an issue that I need to mull over and think about objectively and calmly, I usually go on a run and try to sort it out in my own head. I'm in my own head a lot, so this one is really helpful and meditating for me.
5. Run with a friend.
When you are on a long run, it is time consuming. It's hard enough to try to juggle a social life with how busy everyone is. A run is a great time to catch up with a friend or family member you haven't seen in a while. It's a few hours of uninterrupted conversation, and you are usually alone so you don't have to worry about someone you know eavesdropping in on your private convo (as opposed to having a drink with your friend at the bar, where the rest of your mates are always hanging out). Plus, when you are running you should be at a pace where you are able to talk. Don't get me wrong, sometimes the hill sucks so bad you can't or don't want to talk. And that's ok. Just having someone battle that hill with you is all you need.
I've been wanting to start a blog for a while now, but I've never made the time. Being a crazy busy single mom who works full time, loves a sweaty workout, spends hours in the kitchen cooking up a storm, and tries to have a social life, the thought of lying in bed typing on the computer for hours about all those things I do sounded wonderful, but always got pushed to the back burner.
But, a few life changing events happened all within a short period of time, and I decided that I am going to carve out the time to start sharing with the world the craziness of my life. I live a wonderful life and I feel very blessed. But that's not to say it is a struggle sometimes, as all of our lives are. The goal for me is to live a life filled with purpose, meaning, and love. I am the type of person who does not sugar coat things or beat around the bush. I am blunt and sometimes crass. This blog is not going to be for everyone, so please if you are offended at any of my posts, I apologize in advance, but please know it is not my intent to start a webbrawl. I am starting this to share what I eat, my workout routines, my personal style, and express my opinions, feelings, and share with everyone the awesomeness that is me.
The main kickstart to this blogging thing is the fact that I was accepted as a Race Ambassador for the 2015 SLO marathon, half marathon, and 5K. http://www.slomarathon.com/
I am super excited for this amazing opportunity, and also scared shitless. I'm a triathlete, not a marathon runner. I love running, don't get me wrong, but it's so boring sometimes. Every time I go on a run I thank the Lord that the ipod was invented. Seriously.
I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures!
For my first post, in celebration of the long run and the journey I have ahead of me, I have compiled a list of my top 5 favorite things to do on a long run to keep you busy, so you don't get bored out there on the road (or on the treadmill).
1. Music.
I know you are like, duh, everyone does this. It's a workout staple. But don't just listen. Listen intently if you don't know the words. Learn them. Sing along if you do know the words. As loud as you want. As quiet as you want. Sometimes I mouth the words, sometimes I'm running up a hill and they come out as a faint whisper because I'm gasping for my next breath, sometimes I'm screaming lyrics while I fist pump. That one usually gets some awesome looks from people!
2. Check out the scenery!
The joy of a long run is that you can go places you can't get to by car or bike. These are places that you can only get to on foot, like a trail or alleyways or public gardens or even a cemetery. Morbid, I know, but if you are going to be running for hours on end, you might as well check out some cool old headstones.
3. Eat.
I know, you are thinking, "she's effing crazy". I'm not saying down a cheeseburger while you are running. I'm talking about sucking on some gu blocks or small pieces of powerbar and letting your mind focus on what's in your mouth rather than your legs burning beneath you.
4. Make plans. Think about stuff.
Take time during your run to think about what you want to do, whether it be life in general, work, school, relationships, or whatever. Sometimes I meal plan for the next week while I'm on a run. Sometimes I think about what's in my closet and put together new outfits . When I'm faced with an issue that I need to mull over and think about objectively and calmly, I usually go on a run and try to sort it out in my own head. I'm in my own head a lot, so this one is really helpful and meditating for me.
5. Run with a friend.
When you are on a long run, it is time consuming. It's hard enough to try to juggle a social life with how busy everyone is. A run is a great time to catch up with a friend or family member you haven't seen in a while. It's a few hours of uninterrupted conversation, and you are usually alone so you don't have to worry about someone you know eavesdropping in on your private convo (as opposed to having a drink with your friend at the bar, where the rest of your mates are always hanging out). Plus, when you are running you should be at a pace where you are able to talk. Don't get me wrong, sometimes the hill sucks so bad you can't or don't want to talk. And that's ok. Just having someone battle that hill with you is all you need.
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