Every Day is a Training Day!

It's time to get the training plan started. This is the hardest part of training for me, to get the plan organized and set. I have to take into account the weeks I have the boy, and all the other things going on in life, and be sure I make the time to follow the plan.
So, after hours of lamenting and editing, the calendar is done! The great thing is that I have 22 weeks of training, so that is PLENTY of time to get myself prepared for a half marathon. 13 miles of running seems so daunting and excruciating, but with a set plan, I know I can do it.

This calendar is specific to my needs and schedule. Everyone's lives are different, so when looking online for a training calendar, don't feel like you have to follow somebody else's calendar exactly as it is. Make your own for YOU!! Spend the time, it's worth it!

Here's the plan:

15 mstrengthen & yogacycle5 mstrengthen & yogarestcycle
25 mstretch & restcycle5 mstrengthen & yoga5 mcycle
35 mstrengthen & yogacycle5 mstrengthen & yogarestcycle
45 mstretch & restcycle5 m strengthen & yoga5 mcycle
57 mstrengthen & yogacycle5 mstrengthen & yogarestcycle
67 mstretch & restcycle5 mstrengthen & yoga5 mcycle
77 mstrengthen & yogacycle5 mstrengthen & yogarestcycle
87 mstretch & restcycle5 mstrengthen & yoga5 mcycle
910 mstrengthen & yogacycle7 mstrengthen & yogarestcycle
1010 mstretch & restcycle7 mstrengthen & yoga5 mcycle
1110 mstrengthen & yogacycle7 mstrengthen & yogarestcycle
1210 mstretch & restcycle7 mstrengthen & yoga5 mcycle
1310 mstrengthen & yogacycle7 mstrengthen & yogarestcycle
1410 mstretch & restcycle7 mstrengthen & yoga5 mcycle
1510 mstrengthen & yogacycle7 mstrengthen & yogarestcycle
1610 mstretch & restcycle7 mstrengthen & yoga5 mcycle
1712 mstrengthen & yoga7 mstrengthen & stretch7 mrestcycle
1812 mstretch & rest7 mstrengthen & stretch7 m5 mrest
1912 mstrengthen & yoga7 mstrengthen & stretch7 mrest7 m
2012 mstretch & rest7 mstrengthen & stretch10 m5 mrest
2113 mstrengthen & yoga7 mstrengthen & stretch10 mrest7 m
2212 mstretch & rest7 mstretch7 m5 m & stretchstretch & rest

Race Day! 13.1 m

Another great thing to do is set weekly goals....whether it be mileage, time, or anything else. That always helps me focus. Share your goals and training plans!


  1. Looks like a great plan, and you'll be ready for sure. :) And I agree that everyone is different, you have to make your own plan. I'm really looking forward to SLO and to meeting all of you ambassadors.

  2. Thanks, Paulette! I look forward to meeting everyone also, this is going to be a great race for sure!!


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